nuntium signum

Justgood Group Visita Latin American

Ducitur a Chengdu municipali pars committee scriba, fan patrum, cum XX loci conatibus de Chengdu. In CEO of Justgood Health Industry Group, Shi Iun, representing CHRIBULUM commercii, signati ad memorandum cooperante cum Carlos Ronderos, CEO de Ronders & Cardenas Company City. Procurement medicinae products est aestimari ad moles ad USD X million.
Et Chairman de Cubiculam commercii, CEO de Justgood salutem industria coetus, Shi Iun, representing gazofilacio commerce, signati in Memorandum de CELLA in Ibague urbem quae est in CELLA in Ibague urbe, in CNY XX million.

Chengdu et Latine Americae fuisse cooperantem in curis agri pro multis annis. In cooperante est maxime focused in negotiatione in curis agri, ut ingredientia copia, medicinae apparatu et consumables copia.

Decem-Day trinus ad Americae Americae valde fructuosa, significant et usque ad. Fan Ruping, Secretary of Chengdu Municipal Party Committee, attached great importance to the project and asked Justgood Health Industry Group to give full play to the advantages of the platform and push forward the project, give full play to the advantages of local enterprises in products and technology, and give full play to the advantages of the Chamber of Commerce in resource integration, so as to escort the project to a successful conclusion.

Repraesentativis expressit sua magna voluntate ad participare in project aedificationem novus medical CELLA inter Chengdu et soror urbem de ENCAG et amica cooperante inter Chengdu et Evag est primum project inter Chengdu et ENCAG est primum project in coetus exitum. Speramus, quod possumus habere magis cooperante in agro medicinae et sanitatis curare cum nostris iuncturam nisus, et formare a benchmark project ad magis internationalis amica urbes.


Post tempus: Nov-03-2022

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